Archon Scott, a 1970 graduate of Lincoln University, is a former regional banking executive for Wells Fargo, and a former board member of Lincoln University and the Barnes Foundation. Archon Scott credits Lincoln University with preparing him for leadership roles in banking. He earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from Lincoln University and an MBA in finance from Temple University. Archon Scott continues to be active in the community and serves as a board member of The Fund for The School District of Philadelphia (formerly the Children’s First Foundation), the development arm of the School District. He is also the Chair of the Stewardship Ministry, an Usher, and a member of the Men’s Choir at Mount Zion United Methodist Church. He is a co-founder of the Forum for a Better Pennsylvania and is a member of Omega Psi Phi fraternity. On October 9, 2015, Wells Fargo established the DONN G. SCOTT SCHOLARSHIP FUND at Lincoln University with a $40,000 grant awarded at Lincoln University’s Alumni Awards Banquet. Mr. Scott is a charter member of Delta Epsilon Boule. He is married to Romesa Scott.